Why not come along to our Introductory course on meditation and Buddhism for every Tuesday evening from 9th Jan until 13th Feb?

Hi there,

I hope that you had a very pleasant and relaxing Christmas break.

This is what is going on in January at the Hertford Buddhist Group.

Please note that we have changed the course from Thursday nights to Tuesday nights

Introductory course on meditation and Buddhism for every Tuesday evening from 9th Jan until 13th Feb (inclusive). We will recap and also be using different material in this course from the one in September, so if you went to any of those evenings, please come again to this course.

And if you didn’t come to any, and if you have never been before, and don’t know anything about Buddhism or meditation, then please come to our course. It is designed as the best way to learn how to meditate, and about Buddhism as a way of life.

It is designed to be useful to both complete beginners and also experienced meditators. It assumes no prior knowledge. For more information, please look on:
our Meetup page https://www.meetup.com/Hertford-Buddhist-Meditation/events/kwrzcpyxcbmb/
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/1251420695003490/ and/or
blog https://hertfordbuddhistgroup.co.uk/6-week-course-introduction-to-meditation-and-buddhism-6-tuesday-evenings-starting-9th-jan-2018-and-ending-13th-feb/
They all pretty much say the same thing.

Thursday nights – regulars’ class for people who already know how to meditate:

4th – Review of the six marks, and moods of the Mahayana; the fantastic, the elusive, the contemplative and the devotional.
11th – introduction to the Vimilakirti Nirdesa
18th – meditation and seven fold puja
25th – guest leader probably Nandaketu

I hope to see you at some of these.

And of course…

Happy New Year, and all the very best for 2018!
