Thank you for signing up for our email list.
Please explore our website . There is a lot of great information here including meditation mp3s you can meditate with, links to youtube videos, downloads, background info, recommended books and apps etc. There is also a blog there which reposts most emails.
If you are on Facebook, you might want to like our page . If you comment/share/like our posts and events and/or check in sometimes at our class this will help us get the word out and attract more people. But this is entirely up to you.
And of course, please come along to as many of the meetings as you can. We are building a very friendly and lively spiritual community, and we really love to have new people join us.
Everyone will get a very warm welcome including newcomers who have never meditated before, and who know nothing about Buddhism. We always teach meditation from first principles every Tuesday night.
If you have any comments or questions, please email one of the steering team at:
Keith =
Kiranadhi =
Rob =
Samudraghosha =
Srigarbha =
Or if you just reply back to any of my emails it will come to me.
Hope to see you soon
Please be well and happy 🙂