Hi everybody,
Easter has come and gone, and now we are turning our thoughts towards various events coming up:
1) Our next course starting on Tuesday 9th April. Best to turn up between 7pm and 7.20pm. It is free of charge, although you can leave a small donation if you would like. There is also no need to commit to all the sessions. Just come to the first one, and see what you think.
It is an introduction to meditation and Buddhism. Total beginners are very welcome. You do not need to know anything about meditation or Buddhism.
The course is entitled “Steps to Enlightenment” , and this is the first time we have covered this material at Hertford.
How to walk the Buddhist path to Enlightenment
Reading books, occasional meditation, flitting between teachers and piecemeal teachings can all give some sense of Buddhism, but leads only to spiritual stagnation. A path of more regular steps towards spiritual growth is required…
This movement from an irregular spiritual practice to one with momentum and consistency is central in making actual progress on the path.
On this six-week course we’ll explore what it means to walk the path of Buddhist practice in a regular and systematic way, such that we experience an ever-deepening flavour of Enlightenment in our lives.

2) What is a mitra morning at Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Saturday 13th April 10am to 1pm. If you have been coming for 6 months or more, and are interested in finding more about becoming a mitra. Please book at https://www.cambridgebuddhistcentre.com/whatisamitra
3) There is a new 4 week Yoga course starting on Tuesday April 16th at the Quaker Meeting Rooms 50 Railway St, Hertford SG14 1EH. It is from 6pm to 7pm before our meditation class, so you can come to both. Please bring your own yoga mat and book at https://www.chakraproject.co.uk/product-page/sangha-yoga-with-amber
4) Calm Mind, Open Heart
A day exploring our main meditation practices
Saturday 22 June, 10am-4pm (by donation) A venue in central Ware (location upon booking) led by Kiranadhi and Samudraghosha
The mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana (loving-kindness) meditations are powerful and deep practices that can take us anywhere from a place that is slightly more calm, aware and open-hearted all the way to Awakening.
In this day we’ll be becoming more familiar with these practices and seeing what we can do to take them a little further. We’ll have short periods of meditation, with teaching, discussion and exercises to explore the principles behind the practices. This is open to all, regardless of previous experience.
Everyone will be asked to contribute to a shared vegetarian/ vegan lunch.
We have an important health request. One of the team has a severe allergy to fragrances,
so please avoiding using fragranced products (these include deodorants, lotions and hair products, as well as perfumes etc.)
The day will be shortly followed for those who wish to stay by a Full Moon Puja (see below).
For those unfamiliar with Buddhist ritual, at 4:15pm Samudraghosha will be saying a bit about how we can relate to it as people in the modern West.
The meditation day is without charge (donations on the day very welcome) but strictly requires booking – please email hertsbuddhistmeditation@gmail.com (booking closes 12pm Friday 21 June).
5) Full Moon Solstice Puja
Saturday 22 June, 4:30pm-5:30pm (by donation) A venue in central Ware (location upon booking) led by Kiranadhi and Samudraghosha
We will follow the tradition of marking the full moon (and also the solstice!) with a Sevenfold Puja. This is a collective Buddhist ritual taking the participants through a series of spiritual moods, each poetically evoked, and including mantra and readings. No previous experience is required. If you are unfamiliar with Buddhist ritual, there is the option of arriving early to attend an introduction that Samudraghosha will give at 4:15pm.
We have an important health request. One of the team has a severe allergy to fragrances,
so please avoiding using fragranced products (these include deodorants, lotions and hair products, as well as perfumes etc.)
Please note that this event will be preceded by a meditation day (Calm Mind, Open Heart – see above). The puja is without charge (donations on the day very welcome) but requires booking – please email hertsbuddhistmeditation@gmail.com (booking closes 12pm Friday 21 June).
That is all for now. I hope to see you at one or more of the above.
I hope that you have a fantastic April
warm wishes