Hi there,
The people that I know all have their own unique experience in this time.
Some of my friends are quite enjoying a stepping back from the business of their previous lives, while others are suffering in many different ways that include grief over the loss of a loved one, illness, loneliness, boredom, worrying about money etc.
Whatever your experience and situation I believe it is important to stay connected with our friends. One way of doing this is to join us on our weekly zoom calls on Monday night at 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
If you have not registered for it then just go to https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Iuc–pqjIpPaCyNk0DFt7eq5fZh94cHA . The system will then email you a link for the actual zoom meeting. You just need to click the words “Click here to join” in that email before 7.30 tonight. If you have registered for the last one, that will count for all future sessions (well at least for the next few months), and you do not need to register again. You just click the same “Click here to join” link. But if you have lost that email, just register again at the link above.
Mangala is leading the class on 4th May, and Danapriya is leading it on 11th May.
There are a lot of other Triratna zoom classes also available. Just check https://www.cambridgebuddhistcentre.com/ and https://londonbuddhistcentreonline.com/ for example.
In particular London Buddhist Centre is very active and they are doing an online course from 4th May to 10th May https://londonbuddhistcentreonline.com/7-steps-to-enlightenment/
Also Buddha Day is the biggest festival day in the Buddhist world, and there is a worldwide Buddha Day zoom celebration on Saturday 9th May and Sunday 10th May https://thebuddhistcentre.com/stories/toolkit/buddha-day/ . This is a joint celebration with hosted by people from New Zealand, Australia, India, UK, Mainland Europe, Mexico and USA . It should be a fantastic day, and hopefully see you at some of these sessions.
Keep safe, well and happy.