Awakening to Spring: Finding Growth in Practice and Community

Dear Friends,

As February unfolds, I find myself drawn to the quiet signs of renewal in our local park, where the first white flowers have bravely emerged to face the winter elements. These early harbingers of spring seem to mirror our own journey of practice – finding courage to grow even when conditions aren’t perfect.

Teaching Buddhism: Stories of Connection
Last week brought an inspiring challenge – teaching Buddhism to Year 10 students at a local school, with ten different classes of 26 students each given just 20 minutes to explore these profound teachings. Now in my fourth year of doing this, I’ve discovered that the heart of sharing Buddhism lies in authentic personal story.

I share with them my journey as a choirboy at my local church, including those transcendent moments when music and spirit merged into something beyond words. Then I tell them about the questions that arose when blind faith no longer resonated, and how Buddhism later opened a door to similar experiences – not through belief, but through direct exploration of consciousness. Through meditation, retreats, and study groups, I found a path of discovery rather than doctrine.

The most touching moment came when asking what brings them joy. One student raised her hand to share that the brief meditation she had practiced earlier had brought her peace. In that simple response lay the essence of what we hope to share – that direct experience of something genuine and transformative.

Life with Full Attention: Tuesday Evenings
Our Tuesday evening classes continue to explore Maitreyabandhu’s “Life with Full Attention” course. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or have been practising for years, you’re welcome to join us. No need to register – simply drop in and discover the power of mindfulness in community. The photo below was taken on week one of the course.

Spring Retreat at Vajrasana
We’re delighted to invite you to our spring retreat at the beautiful Vajrasana retreat centre, nestled in the Suffolk countryside near Bury St Edmunds. From March 21st-23rd, we’ll create a space for both beginners and experienced practitioners to deepen their practice together. As this will be our last retreat until October, I warmly encourage you to join us. Previous retreats have been profoundly uplifting experiences for all who attended. Book your place at (sliding scale £100-£155).

In Closing
Like those early spring flowers in the park, each of us has the capacity to bloom, even in challenging times. Whether you join us for Tuesday evenings or on retreat, know that you’re part of a community that values authentic growth and genuine connection.

Until we meet again, may your practice flourish like the first flowers of spring.

With metta,

8 week course starting Tuesday and a retreat in March: Your Invitation to Mindfulness in 2025

Dear Friends,

As we stand at the threshold of 2025, I find myself contemplating how differently each of us experiences this unique time of year. For some, it sparkles with the warmth of family gatherings and celebrations, while for others, it carries the quiet weight of solitude or echoes of times past. What unites us all, perhaps, is that subtle shift in energy as January unfolds, bringing with it both the familiar rhythm of returning routines and the whispered possibility of new beginnings.

A Fresh Start

As the world prepares to spring back into full motion this Monday, I’m reminded of how easy it is to get swept along by the currents of our busy lives. Yet within this momentum lies an invitation – a chance to pause and gently ask ourselves: What direction would we like our life’s journey to take this year? Perhaps we’re yearning for deeper connections, more meaningful experiences, or simply moments of peace amidst life’s whirlwind?

Beginning Your Journey

If these questions resonate with you, I’m delighted to share that we’re starting an 8-week mindfulness and meditation course this Tuesday, January 7th, at The Millbridge Rooms in Hertford. Just turn up between 7:00 and 7:15 PM, and like all our classes, it’s offered freely and welcomes drop-ins. There is no need to register, or commit to coming all 8 weeks. You’ll find meditation instruction, discussion and also a warm community, friendly faces, and yes – even tea and biscuits!

To enrich your practice, you might want to buy  Maitreyabandhu’s “Life with Full Attention” book. There is also an app for your phone (with audio, videos and poetry). Just search “Life with Full Attention” in the app store. These resources are designed to go along with our course, and allow us to take a much deeper dive into the experience. However, they’re entirely optional. The most important step is simply showing up.

Deepening Your Practice: A Weekend Retreat

For those who’ve already tasted the transformative power of meditation, or feel called to explore its depths more fully, I’m excited to share news of our upcoming weekend retreat. From Friday March 21st to Sunday 23rd, we’ll be gathering at the beautiful Vajrasana retreat centre in the serene countryside near Bury St. Edmunds. This retreat, organised in partnership with the Bury St. Edmunds Buddhist group, welcomes both complete beginners and experienced practitioners over 18.

In my own experience, these weekend retreats offer something truly special – a chance to dive deeper into our practice than our usual Tuesday evenings allow. There’s a particular magic in dedicating a whole weekend to meditation and spiritual friendship that can profoundly influence our practice for months to come. You can secure your place at

In Conclusion

Whether you’re drawn to join us for Tuesday evenings, contemplating a retreat, or simply reading these words, know that you’re part of a community that values authentic connection and personal growth. As we step into this new year together, may we all find the courage to nurture what truly matters in our lives.

For any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out through our Facebook page or join our Facebook group. Until we meet, may your new year be filled with peace, meaning, and moments of genuine connection.

With warmth,


Winter Warmth: Celebrating Our Sangha as the Year Draws to a Close

Dear Sangha Friends,

As winter wraps its cool embrace around us, I find myself reflecting on the warmth of our spiritual connections and the joy of shared practice.

A Day of Connection and Celebration
Recently, many of us gathered at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre for Sangha Day – a truly heart-warming occasion that brought together friends from across our extended Buddhist family. The day was made especially meaningful as we witnessed four of our sangha members take the significant step of becoming mitras in a beautiful ceremony. Sharing lunch and celebration with our friends from Cambridge, Luton, Letchworth, Peterborough, and Milton Keynes reminded me of how our individual spiritual journeys are enriched by these wider connections. Our relationship with the extended Cambridge sangha feels like a precious gift, one that continues to nurture and inspire our practice.

Looking Ahead – Our Winter Journey
As we approach the festive season and new year, we have some wonderful opportunities to deepen our practice together:

December 10th: An evening with Srigarbha
December 17th: Our joyful Sangha Soirée
December 24th & 31st: No class (time for family and reflection)
January 7th: Launch of our “Life with Full Attention” 8-week course

Celebrating Our Creative Spirit
Our Sangha Soirée on December 17th promises to be a heartfelt celebration of creativity and connection. Whether you sing, dance, play music, read poetry, share visual arts, or just watch – all expressions are welcome in our supportive space. Unlike certain TV talent shows, our evening is about joy, not judgment! If you’d like to participate, please let me know soon. And yes, there may well be cake!

Festive Season Practice
While we pause our regular Tuesday meetings for the holiday weeks, the London Buddhist Centre offers 4 day retreats throughout the festive period – a wonderful way to maintain your practice during this busy time.

New Horizons: Spring Retreat
Mark your calendars: March 21st-23rd, we’ll be joining the Bury St Edmunds Group for a weekend retreat at Vajrasana. This is an open retreat and it offers a perfect opportunity to deepen your practice in beautiful surroundings.

Supporting Your Daily Practice
Though our lunchtime in-person sessions are finishing on 18th Dec, our online meditation community continues to thrive. Charlotte has started offering Zoom meditations at 6am (Monday-Friday), and Zoom meditations from are at 7:30am, and 1pm (Monday-Saturday). Details at These shared moments of practice have become a meaningful part of many people’s days, offering connection and depth to our individual journeys. I have been joining some of these, and often find it a warmer, deeper experience than meditating on my own.

For those embracing technology in their practice, the Insight Timer app for our phones offers another way to connect. If you log into it, search for our Hertford group, and you can join it, and friend us there. It allows us to meditate together virtually, share encouragement, and maintain practice streaks. While technology isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it’s there if you find it helpful.

A New Year, A New Beginning
I’m particularly excited about our upcoming “Life with Full Attention” course starting January 7th. Last offered by us just before the pandemic in 2020, this transformative course, based on Maitreyabandhu’s excellent book, offers practical tools for bringing mindfulness into every aspect of life. I highly recommend getting the book and companion phone app to enhance your journey.

As we move through these darkening days toward the winter solstice, may we remember that our practice, like the sun, continues its cycle of renewal. Whether you’re celebrating or quietly reflecting this season, know that your sangha is here, holding space for your journey.

With warmth and metta,


Join us for zoom meditations at 6am weekdays

Meditating with others in person is best, but it is also nice to meditate with others on zoom. When I have done it, I usually feel the warmth of the connection, and it helps me go deeper into the practice. So why not join us or the main Triratna ones at one of the times below 🙂

06:00 AM London
Every weekday. Not at weekends

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 5527 2515
Passcode: 4DUi7j

You can download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

It will run Mon – Fri 6am – 6.30am

5 min body grounding
25 min silent meditation

If that is too early, you can also join the global Triratna ones at 7.30am and 1pm Monday to Saturday.

Recent Sangha Retreat, New mitras and Sangha Soiree

Dear Friends,

As the November winds whisper through the trees and winter begins to peek around the corner, I find myself filled with joy and gratitude reflecting on our recent gathering by the sea. Twenty-four of us have just returned from our first Hertford sangha retreat since before the pandemic.

A Return to Retreat

There’s something truly magical about witnessing someone experience their first retreat. For many in our group, this was precisely that moment – their first taste of the profound beauty and warmth that comes from dedicated spiritual practice together. Our host, the Othona retreat centre on the East Essex Coast, provided the perfect setting for this adventure. It was particularly touching to see how this Christian community, open to people of all faiths and none (just like our Tuesday class), has also discovered the transformative power of retreat.

Sacred Spaces and Discoveries

The shrine room held a special secret – the sea just beyond its walls, its presence initially hidden like so many spiritual treasures that reveal themselves in their own time.

Our days were woven with the familiar threads of retreat life – meditations, silence embraced us in its gentle hold, and puja invited us into deeper connection. Between these structured moments, we found joy in discussion groups, shared countless cups of tea, and even discovered our creative spirits during an arts and crafts afternoon. Some of us sketched our inspirations, while others composed a song that they generously shared with us at the retreat’s end.

But perhaps most precious was the warmth of sangha itself – that indefinable yet palpable sense of community that opens our hearts and reminds us we’re not walking this path alone.

Looking Ahead: Our Winter Journey Together

As we move towards the year’s end, we have some wonderful gatherings planned. Newcomers are always made very welcome. Just turn up at the Millbridge rooms between 7pm and 7.15pm:

  • 12 November: Samudraghosha leads our evening
  • 19 November: Khemananda joins us
  • 26 November: Shubhadasa guides our practice
  • 03 December: To be confirmed
  • 10 December: To be confirmed
  • 17 December: Sangha Soiree
  • 24 December: No class (Winter break)
  • 31 December: No class (Winter break)
  • 07 January: Classes resume

Lunchtime Meditation

Remember our weekly oasis of calm: Wednesday lunchtime classes continue from 1pm to 2pm – a perfect mid-week pause to refresh your practice and connect with sangha.

Sangha Day at Cambridge Buddhist Centre – 17th November

Not to be missed. Many of us are going up from Hertford for the day. The day will be especially meaningful as we celebrate four of our sangha members – Adrian, Charlotte, Liz and Lucy – becoming Mitras (the Sanskrit word for ‘friend’, marking a formal commitment to practicing Buddhism within our community). There are also family activities in the morning to which you can bring young children. Details at Cambridge Buddhist Centre

December Highlight: Our Sangha Soiree!

Our beloved Sangha Soiree is approaching! This is your invitation to share your gifts with our community – whether through music, song, poetry, memoirs, photographs, dance, or any other creative expression. Remember, this isn’t about perfection – it’s about sharing from the heart with our wonderfully appreciative sangha family. Past performances have included everything from instrumental pieces to belly dancing, from opera appreciation to Disney singalongs!

If you’ve never been to one of our events before, the Soiree is the perfect opportunity to experience the warmth and creativity of our community in a relaxed, festive atmosphere. Please let me know if you’d like to contribute a performance. And do bring friends and family to join in this celebration. I’m certain someone will bring cake!

In Conclusion

As the days grow shorter and the world prepares for winter’s quiet, let’s hold close the warmth we’ve generated together. Whether you joined us at the retreat or have yet to experience one, know that our sangha’s doors are always open, ready to welcome you home.

Until we meet again, may your practice be steady, your heart be warm, and your spirit be lifted by the knowledge that you’re part of this beautiful community.

With metta,


Autumn Reflections: Nurturing Our Spiritual Garden in October’s Glow

Dear Friends,

As we navigate the crisp waters of October – that enchanting month when the world seems to don its most colourful attire – I find myself pondering the deepening hues of our spiritual journey and the connections we’ve forged.

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on my dear Mother, who passed away last year at the remarkable age of 99 and a half. This weekend, I scattered her ashes into a lake together with some close family members. It was a poignant final farewell, serving as a powerful reminder to cherish our friends and family whilst they’re still with us.

A Tale of Timeless Teachings
We’ve been immersing ourselves in Sagaraghosha’s beautiful book, and what a journey it’s been! We’ve explored the why, what, and how of following the Buddhist path, delved into the Buddha’s life and qualities, and pondered his teachings and the importance of morality. It’s as if we’ve been painting a vast canvas together, each brushstroke adding depth and meaning to our understanding.

The beautiful part? Each week, as we gather, it feels like we’re adding new colours to this masterpiece. In our discussions, I’ve witnessed moments of profound realisation, as if someone suddenly saw the entire painting when before they’d only glimpsed a corner.

It reminds me of how, when we truly engage with these teachings, life suddenly seems to flow with purpose. Our practices – be it meditation, attending classes, or simply connecting with our spiritual friends – they all align like autumn leaves falling into a perfect pattern, guiding us towards something profound. This photo was taken a few weeks ago after week one of the course.

What’s Next on Our Journey?
Speaking of meaning, we’re about to embark on some truly fascinating explorations.
Next Tuesday (8th October), we’ll be diving into the ocean of spiritual friendship. I can’t help but wonder: how do these connections ripple out into our daily lives, creating waves of compassion and understanding?
For the following weeks, we have a constellation of inspiring sessions lined up:

15th October: “Exploring the Mystery” – the culmination of our six-week course.
22nd October: Simon will be our guide through a meditation workshop.
29th October: Mangala will be travelling up from London to visit us.
5th November: To be confirmed. Perhaps an opportunity to experience internal fireworks?
12th November: Khemananda will be journeying from London to join us.
19th November: Samudraghosha takes the helm.

Each session promises to be a unique leaf on our tree of understanding – colourful, vital, and part of a greater whole.

Young People News
In exciting news, we’re nurturing new growth in our sangha garden. Charlotte has taken on the role of organising events for our younger members. It’s heartening to see fresh faces joining our journey, bringing new perspectives and energy. You can find out more at

Lunchtime meditation class (drop-in)
Wednesdays, October 2 to December 18, 1:05pm-1:55pm (doors open 12:55pm)
Millbridge Rooms, Maidenhead Yard, Hertford SG14 1PT
Led by Aryajit and Samudraghosha

An opportunity to practise meditation together in the middle of a busy day, developing awareness, open-heartedness and inner strength. We’ll be practising the Mindfulness of Breathing and Mettabhavana (loving-kindness) meditations – full instruction given. This class is open to all and is without charge.

In Conclusion
As we navigate these autumn days, let’s remember that our practice isn’t just about finding meaning – it’s about creating it, together, in moments of connection, reflection, and yes, even in the crunch of leaves beneath our feet.

So, whether you’re watching the leaves fall, feeling the first nip of winter in the air, or somewhere in between, know that your sangha family is here, ready to explore the changing seasons of life with you. Until we meet again, may your days be meaningful, your meditation cushion inviting, and your heart as vast as the autumn sky.

With warmth


Autumn Awakening: New Course this September with the Hertford Buddhist Group

Dear Sangha Friends,

As we bid farewell to the lazy days of summer and welcome the crisp embrace of autumn, I find myself reflecting on the ever-changing nature of our experiences and the constancy of our practice.

Embracing Change

The transition from sun-drenched afternoons to cooler, misty mornings can be a challenge for many of us. Yet, isn’t this very shift a perfect opportunity to practice equanimity? As the external world transforms, we’re invited to observe our attachments and practice letting go – a core tenet of our Buddhist path.

The Magic of Retreat

Recently, one of our sangha members returned from her first retreat, bringing back with her a treasure trove of experiences. In her own words, she described:

> “…deepest feeling of blissful contentment, such a deep peacefulness, a sense of okay-ness with things” and “interconnectedness and a child-like wonder and appreciation of the world and all its People”.

These beautiful phrases capture the essence of what retreats can offer us – a chance to step back from our daily lives and touch something profound within ourselves and in our connection to the world around us. It’s a potent reminder of why we practice and the transformative power of dedicated time for spiritual growth.

Upcoming Opportunities for Practice

Weekend Retreats

I’m looking forward to my own series of weekend retreats in the coming months – one next weekend, another in October, and a third in November. These offer invaluable opportunities for deepening practice and connection. If you’re curious about what a retreat entails or what a good one would be for you, feel free to reach out to me or any experienced sangha member.

Urban Retreat – London Buddhist Centre

For those unable to get away, the London Buddhist Centre is offering their annual Urban Retreat – a chance to infuse your daily, working life with retreat-like qualities. This free, week-long event starts on Saturday, September 7th at 2:30 PM. They will send SMS and email reminders throughout the week to support your practice. While some sessions can be attended online, I highly recommend joining in person in East London for at least one session if possible. This blend of at-home and in-person practice can be a powerful way to integrate Buddhist teachings into your everyday life.

You can sign up at

Cambridge Buddhist Centre Open Day

Also on September 7th, the Cambridge Buddhist Centre is hosting its Open Day. This is an excellent opportunity, especially for newcomers, to explore another vibrant Buddhist community. The event takes place in a historic Grade II listed festival theatre, and you can also visit a nearby 17th Century listed building that houses a Buddhist community. It’s a unique chance to see how Buddhism is practiced in different settings and to connect with a wider sangha circle.

More details can be found at .

New Course: “Starting on the Buddhist Path”

Beginning September 10th, we’re excited to launch a new course based on Sagaraghosa’s book “Starting on the Buddhist Path: An Invitation”. This course embodies the Buddha’s teaching that true wisdom and freedom come not just from ideas, but from testing truths in our own experience.

The book, and by extension our course, offers:

– Practical ways to improve our lives and relationships

– Jargon-free explanations of Buddhist concepts

– Life-changing meditations, perspectives, and practices

– Engaging visuals including cartoons, diagrams, and photographs

You can purchase the book at a discounted price from Srigarbha before and during the course, or find it online at Windhorse Publications and other retailers. Even if you’ve been practising for a while, this course can offer fresh perspectives and a chance to revisit the fundamentals of our path.

In Closing

As we step into September, let’s carry with us the warmth of summer in our hearts and the coolness of autumn in our minds. May we approach each day with the “child-like wonder” our retreatant spoke of, finding interconnectedness in every interaction and contentment in each moment.

Whether you’re joining us for the new course or simply continuing your practice at home, remember that our sangha is here to support you. After all, the journey of discovery is all the more joyous when shared, and these simple connections can be profound practices in themselves.

Until we meet again, may your practice be steady, your heart be open, and your inner world be as vibrant as the turning autumn leaves.

With warmth and metta,


More meaning in our lives

Dear Friends,

As we navigate the quirky waters of August – that curious month when half the world seems to vanish on vacation – I find myself pondering the refreshing depths of meaning and connection.

A Tale of Return and Rediscovery
Recently, a heartwarming story unfolded in our midst. A dear friend, absent from our gatherings for years, suddenly reappeared. Life had tossed her a curveball of anxiety, and someone suggested she seek out a spiritual group. In that moment, she remembered us – her spiritual family – and the benefits our sangha had once brought her.

The beautiful part? It was as if she’d never left – it all came flooding back. In her own words, this return helped her “experience more meaning in her life” again.

Now, “experiencing more meaning” – an interesting phrase! I remember trying to answer the question “what is the meaning of life?”. It can’t really be answered with logic. I think it is more about getting in touch with some sort of bigger spiritual vision.

When life feels meaningless, even getting out of bed can feel like scaling Everest. But when we’re immersed in meaning? Oh, how life flows! Suddenly, our practices – meditation, classes, retreats, connections with spiritual friends – they all align like stars in a constellation, guiding us towards something profound.

What’s Next on Our Journey?
Speaking of meaning, we’ve just wrapped up our metta-filled “Unlimited Heart” course. I don’t know about you, but it’s certainly transformed my approach to metta bhavana, making it both more receptive and deeper. It’s left me pondering: how do we carry this unlimited heart into our daily lives?

For the next five weeks, we’ll be exploring various topics each week to keep our spiritual flames burning bright. Each session promises to be a unique opportunity for growth and connection – we’d be delighted to see you there as we navigate these enriching themes together.

Coming up we have:
06 Aug 2024 Padmajata
13 Aug 2024 Mangala
20 Aug 2024 Srigarbha
27 Aug 2024 To be confirmed
03 Sep 2024 Khemananda
10 Sep 2024 Course week 1

Starting September 10th, we’re embarking on a new adventure with Sagaraghosa’s course based on her excellent book “Starting on the Buddhist Path: An Invitation”. The Buddha said that you can’t develop wise perspective and freedom through ideas alone – you need to test the truth in your own experience. This book is aimed at people who are looking for a way to improve their lives and relationships. Without jargon, and illustrated with cartoons, diagrams, and photographs, it leads readers through potentially life-changing meditations, perspectives, reflections, and practices for everyday life.

The book will be available to buy at our class at a discount price from Srigarbha leading up to and during the course. Or you can also get it at or any good bookshop.

In Conclusion
As we navigate these final weeks of summer, let’s remember that meaning isn’t something we find – it’s something we create, together, in moments of connection, reflection, and yes, even in the sweat of a hot August day.

So, whether you’re lounging by a pool, stuck in a stuffy office, or somewhere in between, know that your sangha family is here, ready to dive into the deep end of life with you. Why not share with a friend how our sangha has brought meaning to your life? The more, the merrier on this journey of discovery!

Until we meet again, may your days be meaningful, your nights be cool, and your heart be as unlimited as the summer sky.

With warmth (but not too much – it’s August, after all),


Join us for our Unlimited Heart Course

Hi everyone,

I have recently returned from a lovely week long solitary retreat in a cabin at Vajrasana (our retreat centre near Bury St. Edmunds). It was really lovely just to drink tea, gaze at the beautiful trees and shrubs out of my window, and listen to the birdsong that went on all day. I also read Nagabodhi’s excellent new biography of Bhante (our founder).

Our Unlimited Heart course is continuing in full swing. We are all finding it a very useful way of approaching the metta bhavana (loving kindness) meditation.

This is an extremely powerful and joyful practice, but some of us find it a bit challenging at times.

Our course emphasizes that the first step is to relax and be receptively aware of whatever is happening within us, without judgment. From this foundation of mindful awareness, we can then gently invite metta to arise naturally.

Yesterday we were invited to be particularly aware of our self critic that may decide what we “should” be feeling, and we were also encouraged to keep a gratitude diary as this can be a doorway to metta.

It’s important to note that metta is primarily an intention or volition rather than just a feeling. We can cultivate metta even when we’re not feeling particularly happy or well. The practice is about developing a genuine wish for well-being, both for ourselves and others.

Each week of the course is self-contained and begins with a recap, so don’t worry if you’ve missed previous sessions or if it’s your first time joining us. I would encourage you to attend, as this is the first time we’re covering this material, and it may be a while before we offer it again. The course continues for the next four weeks until the end of July. On August 6th, Padmajata will be leading the class.

Another thing that is happening this month is Dharma Day. This is the anniversary of the Buddha giving his first teaching two months after his enlightenment. He walked 160 miles to seek out his five former companions to a deer park in Sarnath near Varanasi and communicate to them his enlightenment experience. This started a flow of teaching, wisdom, spiritual practice and friendship that continues to this day. There will be a festival at Cambridge Buddhist Centre to celebrate this on Sunday 21st July.

That is all for now. Have a great July!

warm wishes


New 6 week Course Unlimited Heart on 25th June. Also meditation day and puja on 22nd June

Hi Everyone,

I hope that all is well.

I just wanted to share that I had a really amazing time last weekend. I was on retreat at the Great Gathering at Padmaloka. With near perfect conditions for meditation, many of us went a bit deeper into some beautiful meditative states. I am also going away for a week’s solitary retreat at Vajrasana next week which I am really looking forward to.

I also met some great people and had some really interesting chats at the weekend.

For example, I was sharing a room with someone who volunteered firstly on the lifeboats, and then he volunteered as a first responder. When someone local had a heart attack and called the ambulance, he would often turn up first with a defibrillator. He said he has saved 5 people’s lives, which I think is pretty amazing.

I also met Suryaprabha. He is a an independent documentary film producer who has made 15 full length films about Triratna. I have been a big fan of his work for many years. His films are on and are very well produced old school documentaries, with narration, archive video footage, and lots of clips of people talking, and telling their stories. If you want to sample them, I think a good one to start with is Ordinary Magic which is all about friendship.

Coming up at the Hertford Buddhist Group.
Mangala is coming up on 11th June.
18th June not sure yet who is leading.

Then on Tuesday 25th June we have a six week course “Unlimited Heart” devoted to going deeper into the Mettabhavana (loving kindness) meditation.

Also we have a day retreat and also a puja on Saturday 22nd June. See below for more info.

Everything mentioned here is suitable for complete beginners as well as regulars.

Have a great June, and I hope to see you at some of these events.

warm wishes


p.s. Here is some more information about the day retreat we are running on Saturday 22nd June followed by an optional puja:

Calm Mind, Open Heart (booking required – see below)
A day exploring our main meditation practices
Saturday 22 June, 10am-4pm (by donation)
A venue in central Ware (location upon booking)
led by Kiranadhi and Samudraghosha

The mindfulness of breathing and mettabhavana (loving-kindness) meditations are powerful and deep practices that can take us anywhere from a place that is slightly more calm, aware and open-hearted all the way to Awakening.

In this day we’ll be becoming more familiar with these practices and seeing what we can do to take them a little further. We’ll have short periods of meditation, with teaching, discussion and exercises to explore the principles behind the practices. This is open to all, regardless of previous experience.

Everyone will be asked to contribute to a shared vegetarian/ vegan lunch.

We have an important health request. One of the team has a severe allergy to fragrances, so please avoiding using fragranced products (these include deodorants, lotions and hair products, as well as perfumes etc.)

The day will be shortly followed for those who wish to stay by a Full Moon Puja (see below). For those unfamiliar with Buddhist ritual, at 4:15pm Samudraghosha will be saying a bit about how we can relate to it as people in the modern West.

The meditation day is without charge (donations on the day very welcome) but strictly requires booking – please email (booking closes 12pm Friday 21 June, though booking sooner will aid our planning).

Full Moon Solstice Puja (booking required – see below)
Saturday 22 June, 4:30pm-5:30pm (by donation)
A venue in central Ware (location upon booking)
led by Kiranadhi and Samudraghosha

We will follow the tradition of marking the full moon (and also the solstice!) with a Puja. This is a collective Buddhist ritual taking the participants through a series of spiritual moods, each poetically evoked, and including mantra and readings. No previous experience is required. If you are unfamiliar with Buddhist ritual, there is the option of arriving early to attend an introduction that Samudraghosha will give at 4:15pm.

We have an important health request. One of the team has a severe allergy to fragrances, so please avoiding using fragranced products (these include deodorants, lotions and hair products, as well as perfumes etc.)

Please note that this event will be preceded by a meditation day (Calm Mind, Open Heart – see above).

The puja is without charge (donations on the day very welcome) but requires booking – please email (booking closes 12pm Friday 21 June, though booking sooner will aid our planning).