Autumn Reflections: Nurturing Our Spiritual Garden in October’s Glow

Dear Friends,

As we navigate the crisp waters of October – that enchanting month when the world seems to don its most colourful attire – I find myself pondering the deepening hues of our spiritual journey and the connections we’ve forged.

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on my dear Mother, who passed away last year at the remarkable age of 99 and a half. This weekend, I scattered her ashes into a lake together with some close family members. It was a poignant final farewell, serving as a powerful reminder to cherish our friends and family whilst they’re still with us.

A Tale of Timeless Teachings
We’ve been immersing ourselves in Sagaraghosha’s beautiful book, and what a journey it’s been! We’ve explored the why, what, and how of following the Buddhist path, delved into the Buddha’s life and qualities, and pondered his teachings and the importance of morality. It’s as if we’ve been painting a vast canvas together, each brushstroke adding depth and meaning to our understanding.

The beautiful part? Each week, as we gather, it feels like we’re adding new colours to this masterpiece. In our discussions, I’ve witnessed moments of profound realisation, as if someone suddenly saw the entire painting when before they’d only glimpsed a corner.

It reminds me of how, when we truly engage with these teachings, life suddenly seems to flow with purpose. Our practices – be it meditation, attending classes, or simply connecting with our spiritual friends – they all align like autumn leaves falling into a perfect pattern, guiding us towards something profound. This photo was taken a few weeks ago after week one of the course.

What’s Next on Our Journey?
Speaking of meaning, we’re about to embark on some truly fascinating explorations.
Next Tuesday (8th October), we’ll be diving into the ocean of spiritual friendship. I can’t help but wonder: how do these connections ripple out into our daily lives, creating waves of compassion and understanding?
For the following weeks, we have a constellation of inspiring sessions lined up:

15th October: “Exploring the Mystery” – the culmination of our six-week course.
22nd October: Simon will be our guide through a meditation workshop.
29th October: Mangala will be travelling up from London to visit us.
5th November: To be confirmed. Perhaps an opportunity to experience internal fireworks?
12th November: Khemananda will be journeying from London to join us.
19th November: Samudraghosha takes the helm.

Each session promises to be a unique leaf on our tree of understanding – colourful, vital, and part of a greater whole.

Young People News
In exciting news, we’re nurturing new growth in our sangha garden. Charlotte has taken on the role of organising events for our younger members. It’s heartening to see fresh faces joining our journey, bringing new perspectives and energy. You can find out more at

Lunchtime meditation class (drop-in)
Wednesdays, October 2 to December 18, 1:05pm-1:55pm (doors open 12:55pm)
Millbridge Rooms, Maidenhead Yard, Hertford SG14 1PT
Led by Aryajit and Samudraghosha

An opportunity to practise meditation together in the middle of a busy day, developing awareness, open-heartedness and inner strength. We’ll be practising the Mindfulness of Breathing and Mettabhavana (loving-kindness) meditations – full instruction given. This class is open to all and is without charge.

In Conclusion
As we navigate these autumn days, let’s remember that our practice isn’t just about finding meaning – it’s about creating it, together, in moments of connection, reflection, and yes, even in the crunch of leaves beneath our feet.

So, whether you’re watching the leaves fall, feeling the first nip of winter in the air, or somewhere in between, know that your sangha family is here, ready to explore the changing seasons of life with you. Until we meet again, may your days be meaningful, your meditation cushion inviting, and your heart as vast as the autumn sky.

With warmth
